Bošk d.o.o.
O nas
Smo mlado podjetje z vizijo na področju gozdarstva. Sestavljamo ga mladi in izkušeni na različnih področjih. Smo željni novih izzivov, ter verjamemo v znanje, inovativnost in uspeh. Našo ekipo sestavljajo tako strokovnjaki s področja gozdarstva, kot tudi ekonomije. Naše podjetje se ukvarja z odkupom in prodajo – izvozom gozdnih lesnih sortimentov, vseh vrst. Odkupujemo po celi Sloveniji in sosednjih državah. Urejen imamo tako cestno tovorni kot tudi ladijski promet. Smo zanesljiv ter zaupanja vreden partner. Želimo si sodelovanja z vami.
We are a young company operating in a field of forestry.
Our team is made up of experienced people, professionals and trusted experts in forestry and logging skills on the one hand and of sales and management on the other. We are focused on buying and selling of timber products such as; logs of all qualities and properties (hard and soft wood), boards, elements, semi-final wooden products etc. Our strength is the ability to fulfill the very specific request of a wooden material for a known client. We are able to organize the entire process from cutting the trees to the quality control and the shipping of material to the final destination. We adoperate both; road freight and/or navy shipping.
We believe being reliable and trusted partner looking after potential new clients from the area of primary raw material such as wood.
Delovni čas
Ponedeljek 08:00 - 16:00
Torek 08:00 - 16:00
Sreda 08:00 - 16:00
Četrtek 08:00 - 16:00
Petek 08:00 - 16:00
Davčna številka za DDV: SI58124845
Številka transakcijskega računa: SI56 6100 0002 3578 137
Pisarna: Petra Močnik, tel: 0038641328138
Direktorica: Adela Meijer, tel: 0038641320906
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